with Tim Shaw, Patricia Jäggi, Christoph Brünggel, Martina Lussi

Courtesy Mathias Arnold, 2022
«Inner Voices» is a series of soundwalks presented between March 15 to June 15, 2022.
The project took place in the frame of the cultural project «Innereien» initiated and supported by the Albert Koechlin Foundation (AKS).
Partner Institution:
Lucerne Music School
Additional Cooperation Partners
Haus für Kunst Uri
Kulturkloster Altdorf
Nidwaldner Museum
Festung Fürigen
Sust Stansstad
The walks took place in Central Switzerland. During the soundwalk, everyone wears headphones through which sounds are played live to them. In the process, sounds from central Switzerland that were found along the way as well as previously recorded sounds become audible. Such as underwater sounds or electromagnetic fields that are present in the villages and seemingly imperceptible are made audible. The different microphones are used as «instruments». The sound artists process the captured sounds live on a micro computer and improvise together in a duo. In the process, various inner lives are made audible and thus more conscious. The walks build on everyday listening and deepen one's own listening experience by directing their listening into an inner space. Each walk lead in a specific interior where the headphones are taken of an the soundwalk ends.
Technical Specs:
For this project we used a Soundwalk System Tim Shaw initally developed for his work «Ambulation». We extended the system to be able to play in pairs and added prerecorded sounds and further effects. Each player runs a personalized Pure Data patch on a Bela Board. The documentation of «Ambulation» you find on the Bela Blog: